Papua New Guinea Nebilyer Valley
Region: Nebilyer Valley
Elevation: 1350 MASL
Farm: Kuta Mill
Varietal: Bourbon,Typica
Process: Washed
Rich and full-bodied with a chocolatey mouthfeel.
This Papua New Guinea coffee is sourced from family owned farms located in the Nebilyer Valley. After each producer cultivates the coffee, it is brought to the Kuta mill, where the beans are fully washed and dried in the sun on patios. This mill has been in operation for over 40 years by the Ulga and Kolga tribes. It has become a place of common ground for producers who have traditionally been in conflict because of tribal differences. The mill owner, Brian Leahy, makes a bonus payment after the harvest to farmers who consistently deliver quality cherries.
What is Washed Process Coffee? Washed processing, also known as wet processing, is a method that involves removing the fruit layers of the coffee cherry before drying. Traditionally, water is used to wash off the skin and mucilage of the cherry. First, the coffee is sorted through to remove any damaged or unripe cherries. From there, the skin of the fruit is removed, down to the mucilage layer. The fruits are then fermented in large water tanks for up to 24 hours, during which time the mucilage layer is broken down. After fermentation, the beans are washed, removing the mucilage layer. Finally, the beans are dried, typically on patios in the sun. Because the sugars of the mucilage layer have been removed, washed coffees tend to have a very “clean” flavor, with fresh acidity.