Nicaragua Finca Villa Guadalupe

Region: Dipilto
Elevation: 1300 MASL
Farm: Villa Guadalupe
Varietal: Catuai
Process: Natural
Sweet and caramely with the fruity acidity of a strawberry.
This natural process coffee comes from the farm Villa Guadalupe, in Dipilto, Nicaragua. After the owner, Entizar Zalan and her husband, Jorge Lagos, saw the success of their first farm, Santa Teresa, they purchases the farm next door to expand their
operations. a With a vision to produce coffees for the Specialty
International Market, they planted new trees, including some new varietals for the area, invested in a wet mill, created drying
patios with elevated tables, drying tunnels, and built a full cupping lab to evaluate the quality of the coffee.
What is Natural Process Coffee? Natural process, also known as dry process, is a method of processing that involves drying the coffee cherries in the sun while leaving the fruit of the coffee intact. This process originated in regions where access to reliable water is limited, where rain is infrequent, and where humidity is low. Today, however, natural processing occurs in many coffee growing countries.
After the cherries are picked, they are sorted through to remove the less dense cherries. The remaining cherries are then laid out in the sun on patios or raised beds. Tarps are often used to control how much sunlight they receive, preventing them from drying out too quickly. The cherries are raked and turned over throughout the day to prevent spoiling. All of this helps the coffee to maintain fruity and winey flavor notes, which come naturally from the cherry that surrounds the bean.