Mexico NKG Bloom Tecolotl

Region: Los Altos
Elevation: 1600-1850 MASL
Varietal: Caturra, Bourbon, Sarchimor
Process: Washed
Given the nickname Tecolotl or "owl," this selection is fit for the fall season, full of intrigue, mysticism, and a warm richness of flavor. It is currently our darkest and most developed roast, with notes of dark chocolate, dried fruit, and spiced walnut.
From our trade partners, Royal Coffee NY: Mexico NKG BLOOM Tecolotl is grown in Los Altos, a land of mountains, valleys and old-growth forest bordering the Lacondona — the biggest jungle in Mexico, running from Chiapas through Honduras into the Yucatan Peninsula. Tecolotl means owl in Tzeltal, the mother language of the Tzeltales, an indigenous people descended from the Maya. In Mayan culture, owls are believed to have mystical qualities. The owl created for this coffee's bag is an a lebrije — a colorful , fantastical creature, in the Mexican folk art tradition, thought to act as a spirit guide, aiding people in the completion of their spiritual journey.
NKG BLOOM Tecolotl is shade grown, under native tree species using sustainable practices. Cherries are washed, fermented and sun-dried. The unique micro-climate, rich soil and elevation yield a complex and delicate cup. NKG BLOOM, Por Más Café The producers who contributed to Tecolotl are part of NKG BLOOM, an initiative of Neumann Kaffee Gruppe (NKG) to ensure the long-term viability of green coffee supplies and provide smallholder farmers with the opportunities and resources they need to run their farms at full potential and enter pathways out of poverty. Por Más Café, now part of NKG BLOOM, was created by NKG export company Exportadorade Café California (ECC) in 2014, to address the coffee rust crisis. Since then, 4,520 producers have benefitted from the program, more than 5,300 hectares of coffee have been renovated, $11.2 million U.S. has been offered in financing and more than $34 million has been invested in farm renovations.
What is Washed Process Coffee? Washed processing, also known as wet processing, is a method that involves removing the fruit layers of the coffee cherry before drying. Traditionally, water is used to wash off the skin and mucilage of the cherry. First, the coffee is sorted through to remove any damaged or unripe cherries. From there, the skin of the fruit is removed, down to the mucilage layer. The fruits are then fermented in large water tanks for up to 24 hours, during which time the mucilage layer is broken down. After fermentation, the beans are washed, removing the mucilage layer. Finally, the beans are dried, typically on patios in the sun. Because the sugars of the mucilage layer have been removed, washed coffees tend to have a very “clean” flavor, with fresh acidity.