Colombia Huila Raul Rodriguez El Triunfo

Region: Huila
Producer: El Triunfo
Elevation: 1800 MASL
Processing Method: Washed
Varietal: Pink Bourbon
From our trade partners, Royal Coffee NY: El Triunfo is owned by the Rodriguez family. Raul gained ownership of the farm by first inheriting a portion from his father and then working over time to purchase the remainder of the land.El Triunfo exclusively grows Pink Bourbon and Castillo varietals. Both Raul and his small team of only 8 people handle everything all the way up to the milling stage.This Pink Bourbon is processed using an extended fermentation method that results in a rich and complex cupping profile that truly stands out on the table. The coffee is first fermented for 18 hours in cherry, then de-pulped and fermented again for an additional 48 hours in a small amount of water. Once fermentation is complete, this coffee is then rested on raised beds to dry for 20 days. The raised beds which are also located on Raul's property provide uniform airflow for all of the cherries and add another layer of clarity to the end cupping results.
What is Washed Process Coffee? Washed processing, also known as wet processing, is a method that involves removing the fruit layers of the coffee cherry before drying. Traditionally, water is used to wash off the skin and mucilage of the cherry. First, the coffee is sorted through to remove any damaged or unripe cherries. From there, the skin of the fruit is removed, down to the mucilage layer. The fruits are then fermented in large water tanks for up to 24 hours, during which time the mucilage layer is broken down. After fermentation, the beans are washed, removing the mucilage layer. Finally, the beans are dried, typically on patios in the sun. Because the sugars of the mucilage layer have been removed, washed coffees tend to have a very “clean” flavor, with fresh acidity.